SolanoCountyRecovers: The official website for wildfire response and recovery.

Archives: FAQs

Military Discharge

Department of Veterans Affairs, Papers 1-800-827-1000 or TDD/TTY 1-800-829-4833

What is available as part of the SBA low-interest disaster loan programs?

Eligible homeowners may borrow up to $200,000 for home repair or replacement of primary residences. Eligible homeowners and renters may borrow up to $40,000 to replace disaster-damaged or destroyed personal property. Businesses of all sizes can qualify for up to $2 million in low-interest loans to help cover physical damage. Small businesses and most private … Continued

Is there help available for refinancing?

SBA can refinance all or part of prior mortgages that are evidenced by a recorded lien, when the applicant: Does not have credit available elsewhere, Has suffered substantial uncompensated disaster damage (40 percent or more of the value of the property) Intends to repair the damage. Homes: Homeowners may be eligible for the refinancing of … Continued

How do I apply for an SBA Disaster Loan?

Disaster survivors should first register with FEMA by calling 800-621-FEMA (3362). TTY users call 800-462-7585, with Video Relay Service survivors calling 800-621-3362. Or you can register online. To apply for an SBA disaster loan survivors can apply in person at any of the State/FEMA/SBA Local Assistance Centers or directly online.

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