SolanoCountyRecovers: The official website for wildfire response and recovery.

Archives: FAQs

Know someone who lost their home or was evacuated? Not sure what to say?

Message, text or email them your love and concern. Short and sweet: “I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m so glad you are alive.” “I love you” is nice too. Listen. Everyone’s experience of this tragedy is be different. It helps when someone simply listens to how it is for her or him. Don’t offer advice or stories about others’ … Continued

American Red Cross Resources & Guides

Taking Care of Your Emotional Health Helping Children Cope with Disaster Guides are available in other languages on the American Red Cross website.

When challenges are ongoing

Many people have experience coping with stressful life events and typically feel better after a few days. Others find that their stress does not go away as quickly as they would like and it influences their relationships with their family, friends and others. If you find yourself or a loved one experiencing some of the … Continued

Recovery Takes Time

Getting ourselves and our lives back in a routine that is comfortable for us takes time. Take care of your safety. Find a safe place to stay and make sure your physical health needs and those of your family are addressed. Seek medical attention if necessary. Limit your exposure to the sights and sounds of disaster, … Continued

Disaster Distress Helpline is available 24-7

The Disaster Distress Helpline, 1-800-985-5990, is a 24/7, 365-day-a-year, national hotline dedicated to providing immediate crisis counseling for people who are experiencing emotional distress related to any natural or human-caused disaster. This toll-free, multilingual, and confidential crisis support service is available to all residents in the United States and its territories. Stress, anxiety, and other depression-like … Continued

Adopting Lost Fire Animals

Please give us time to reunite animals with owners. Future adoptions may be available, but it is too soon to know each animal status.

Can ash in the water harm animals and livestock?

After a fire, windborne material such as ash and soil from paddocks with inadequate ground cover may be blown into streams. Once in the water, organic materials provide ideal food for bacteria and algae. These organisms grow rapidly using up all free oxygen in the water (it becomes anaerobic) and putrefaction results. Symptoms are dark … Continued

What if I’m unable to pick up my pet from the pet shelter?

Shelter locations will obtain owner’s names and contact information and owners should communicate potential delays or the inability to pick up pets with shelter staff. Solano Community Animal Response Team (CART) is available to assist with animal transportation.  

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