SolanoCountyRecovers: The official website for wildfire response and recovery.

Financial Assistance

Financial Aid – Apply by September 30, 2020

If your home incurred major damage after the LNU, CZU, and SCU Lightening Complex Fires, you may qualify for emergency financial aid from Tzu Chi Northwest.  Sign up now to get started. English and Español


Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano

The Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano provide weekly drive-thru style distributions in locations throughout Contra Costa and Solano counties. You can pick up a box of nonperishable food and a bag of produce for each household. You do not need to be a resident of the city with the distribution to receive food. Learn more.


CalFresh is California's food stamps (SNAP) program.  If you have been directly impacted by the LNU Complex Fire Incident and need replacement benefits or need to apply for benefits, please call (707) 784-1570. If you prefer to apply online

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